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Rangers of Christ has been developing godly leaders by training them to cultivate 12 simple Biblical characteristics. To date, ROC meetings have welcomed well over a thousand Christian men from all walks of life, developed hundreds of godly leaders and by God’s grace will continue to do so, thereby fulfilling ROC’s purpose.


Eric Lawrence, a disciple of Jesus Christ, while participating in different area of ministry in his Church recognized several shortcomings in Christian men, men who professed to be living Christian lives but displayed little fruit. In the early part of 2002, God placed a desire in Eric’s heart to develop a group in which men could come and be a part of a group in which men would not just come to participate in discussions to further acquire head knowledge but instead, develop a group in which men could gather and be challenged to live out a fulfilling, Spirit led life, which in turn would naturally develop them into godly leaders. In 2004 Eric Lawrence held the first ROC meeting, there were four men in attendance.

Since its inception, Rangers Of Christ (ROC) has been developing godly leaders by training them to cultivate 12 simple Biblical characteristics. To date, ROC meetings have welcomed well over a thousand Christian men from all walks of life, developed hundreds of godly leaders and by God’s grace will continue to do so, thereby fulfilling ROC’s purpose.

Purpose – “To build Christian men into committed followers of Jesus Christ and strong Godly leaders.”

Mission — “To make disciples and care for widows and orphans.”

Vision — “A stronger Body of Christ with godly families committed to fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission”

God has divinely appointed adult Christian males to be the foundation on which His people stand, His people being the Church. The Body of Christ has become weak and it has compromised its effectiveness. One reason is that the mechanism of stability, strength and leadership that God divinely placed in our world is in poor condition. For various reasons, the adult Christian male is failing to realize his divine purpose and fulfill his leadership role in this world. ROC has developed more than a hundred men who have gone on to impact their communities by becoming the leaders God designed them to be!


Eric Lawrence is a faithful husband to Angie Lawrence and a father to six beautiful children. He was given a vision by God to establish a Christian men’s organization where Christian men could gather and be trained to carry out their God given leadership duties. In 2004 this vision became a reality, ROC was born.  Eric has a B.S. degree in Business, is a certified police officer who spent twenty three years in law enforcement with the City of Boca Raton as a Boca Raton Police officer. During his time with the agency, Eric achieved the rank of sergeant and was a part of the training unit serving as an instructor in the following disciplines, firearms, TASER, chemical weapons, expandable baton, and defensive tactics. Eric is most passionate about building strong godly men who can in turn build godly families and homes. Eric enjoys spending time with his family, reading, movies, the beach, and sharing the gospel with others. Eric enjoys fitness training, martial arts, and tactical training.


Manny Fernandez is a faithful husband to Jessica Fernandez and a father to two beautiful boys. Manny has a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies with a Pastoral emphasis from Calvary Chapel Bible Institute. He has been a part of ROC for almost 13 years. During that time, Manny achieved making it unto the leadership team, has diligently and faithfully served in several ROC outreach and ministry events. He has been involved in discipling men at ROC for the entirety of his tenure and continues to do so, knowing that Christian male leadership is key to a healthy community. Manny is a Chaplain for the Baseball Chapel organization, currently performing chaplaincy duties for the St. Louis Cardinals major league organization. Manny served as a Varsity assistant Baseball coach at CCA under head Coach Gregg Mucerino, and is also an avid baseball player in a local men’s league. Manny is an Elder at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale where he is afforded the opportunity to assist the ministry wherever he is needed.


Akee Campbell is a faithful husband to Alecia Campbell and a father to two beautiful children. Akee is a Nova High School graduate, has an Associate’s of Science Degree from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, is a Certified Restoring Relationships Facilitator, Calvary Chapel Next Generation Disciple graduate, and is ROC Men’s Discipleship Certified. Akee has over 18 years of experience in Audio Visual sales, marketing and design, is a former small business owner specializing in producing and recording musicians and a former employee of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in the A/V department. His passions are, spending quality time with his family investing in his relationships with both his wife Alecia and his kids. Developing in himself the leader God has designed him to be and developing leadership in other men as well.


We know there are a myriad of options when it comes to donating your hard earned money. We feel blessed that you would allow us to be stewards of your income. Be assured we will make every effort to utilize your donations exactly the way the Spirit of God directs.


Meeting Day: Mondays 7:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.

Address: 2717 West Cypress Creek Rd Fort Lauderdale, Fl. 33309


For HIS name sake

By | September 3rd, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Just a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to sit down with a young man who has a very promising career in the sport of baseball. While sitting down with him, and listening to [...]

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No ROC meeting / Labor Day Sept 3, 2018
Hey Rangers, on Monday September 3rd, 2018, we will not be meeting due to observance of Labor Day (National Holiday). We will resume our regularly scheduled meeting on Sept 10th.
Enjoy your time with your loved ones.
Blessings to all.