Not a “New Year”, but a “New You” Instead.

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Not a “New Year”, but a “New You” Instead.

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Year after year, on the very last day, December 31 we hear the buzz conversation surrounding “New Year’s Resolution”. These so called “resolutions” are derived by enlarge by the disgust of weight management, financial conditions, drinking or smoking habits, and the list goes on.

Whatever the reason for the desired change, ultimately there is the need to recognize that in order to change outward circumstances there is a bigger priority in play, and that is to change the inside first. In a sense, a “New You”. The Apostle Paul knows this very well,  writing to the believers in Philipi he reminds them that is “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”.

This “New You” is continually happening “IF” number one, you have repented of your sins and placed your trust in Jesus as your Savior, and number two, if you have surrendered to live your life according to God’s will and not yours. If we are brutally honest, most of us want change in our life that will come with gratification, and the sooner the better .

You’ve heard it said before, “Rome was not built in one day”, and neither will the “New You”

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By | 2018-12-31T10:37:08+00:00 December 31st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

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No ROC meeting / Labor Day Sept 3, 2018
Hey Rangers, on Monday September 3rd, 2018, we will not be meeting due to observance of Labor Day (National Holiday). We will resume our regularly scheduled meeting on Sept 10th.
Enjoy your time with your loved ones.
Blessings to all.