The heart of a father

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The heart of a father

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Just a few days ago my wife called me in a panic. In the background I could hear my son screaming in pain, and my wife trying to comfort him to no avail. He had developed a cavity in two of his molars but we were not aware they were as advanced as they were.

Upon a visit to a dentist, we were informed that one of those cavities had gotten down into the roots and had begun to get infected. All of this may be making you wonder, what is the big deal? it’s only a cavity! My son has a few conditions, one of them being a sensory disorder. So any type of pain he feels, he feels it multiplied times whatever.

The day came when we took him to the dentist to try and remove these molars. As the dentist began to do his work everything was going smooth, until he began to try and push the bottom molar out. My son began to scream, he tried to reach towards me and my wife in agony with tears running down his face.

It was at that moment when I heard an audible voice that I have only heard a handful of times in my life, the Voice of the Lord. His statement came in the form of a question, “do you see the pain your son is in? you know you can’t intervene because you know he needs to go through this process, don’t you? you know that removing the cavity filled teeth is a healthy but painful process, don’t you?”, of course my reply to these  question would have to be, yes! and so the second part was the kicker, “I see your pain just as well, I know the process is painful but trust me, it is a healthy one!” God wasn’t referring to my pain in connection to the situation with my son but the trials and tribulations all of His creation deals with that brings all of us pain.

And so, at a moment in time I recognized all the more “the heart of a father”. There are things that cannot be explained as to why God allows them to be because we would not understand them, much in the same way my son cannot understand my explanation to the why of his pain due to his speech impediment.

Remember Jesus’ words in John16:33 ” I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.”



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By | 2016-11-17T10:26:17+00:00 November 17th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|1 Comment

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One Comment

  1. dave January 24, 2018 at 11:34 AM - Reply

    Beautiful Thanks
    God Bless you and the family

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No ROC meeting / Labor Day Sept 3, 2018
Hey Rangers, on Monday September 3rd, 2018, we will not be meeting due to observance of Labor Day (National Holiday). We will resume our regularly scheduled meeting on Sept 10th.
Enjoy your time with your loved ones.
Blessings to all.